July 1, 2024
Three words that can stop time and change your life in an instant: “You have cancer.” The shock is indescribable. You may experience a myriad of emotions, fear, sadness, and denial. This is normal. Now imagine that someone reaches out to you and says, “I’ve been there; I can relate to what you’re going through, and I’m here for you.”
In Florida, over 100,000 people will be diagnosed with cancer this year. We believe no one should have to fight cancer alone. It is our pleasure to introduce you to Team Tony Cancer Foundation. Our mission is to provide free Peer-to-Peer cancer support and resources to cancer fighters, survivors, and caregivers in our local community.
Over the last 7 years, we have matched 700 cancer fighters and caregivers in the Tri-County area with teammates and provided over $308,000 in medical financial assistance grants to help alleviate the financial burden that comes with a cancer diagnosis.
Of course, none of this would be possible without the generous support of our community. To continue our efforts in supporting those battling cancer, we would greatly appreciate your partnership with us in this year’s 7th Annual Gran Fondo Sarasota.
The event will be held on December 8th at the Florida Farm Bureau Pavilion and consists of three different bike routes that range in distance from 33 miles to 100 miles, as well as a 5- mile Cruiser Ride. Join us after for an Epic Finish Line Party that will include music, catered food, and more.
We invite you to review our individual sponsorship levels and donation opportunities. If your organization would like to partner with us on the 2024 Gran Fondo Sarasota , please contact our Team Tony Cancer Foundation office at [email protected] or by calling (941) 227-4404.
Thank you for your time and consideration!
Warmest Regards,
Kelly S Deam Tony McEachern
Executive Director Founder and Mission Director
2024 Sponsorship Agreement
Name/Company: _____________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: _______ Zip: ____________________
Contact Name: ____________________________ Phone #: __________________
Email: ______________________ Company Web Address: ___________________
Please select sponsorship below: (please see sponsor grid for details of each level)
(Circle One)
Gran Sponsor $10,000 – SOLD!! Medio Sponsor $5,000 Piccolo Sponsor $3,000
Cruiser Ride Sponsor$2,500 Sag Stop Sponsor $2,500 Breakfast Sponsor $2,000
Swag Bag Sponsor $1,500 Wristband Sponsor $500 Mile Marker Sponsor $100
Payment Information:
Credit Card: Amex Mastercard Visa Discover
Name on Card: _________________________________________
Card No: ______________________________________________
Exp. Date: _________________ CSC/CVV # ________________
Check Enclosed – Please make checks payable to Team Tony Cancer Foundation
* please send your Logo as an .ai, .eps or .PDF file to [email protected]*