With the goal of raising money for various charitable organizations in the Sarasota community, 99 Bottles is proud to host “Give Back Nights"!!! On select evenings, a percentage of 99 Bottles sales will go straight to a chosen charity! -- This includes both dine in guests and guests who prefer to order to go... ... Stay for a beer, a glass of wine, or a pizza ... Grab some food and a four-pack of cans to go Any which way, you are helping to raise money for a worthy local organization! On Tuesday, June 11th, from 4pm-9pm, a percentage of all sales at 99 Bottles will be going to TEAM TONY CANCER FOUNDATION! Please help us to spread the word to bring people to the bar on Sunday and raise as much money as possible! Make a plan, Bring a friend, Come hungry, come thirsty, And, please share with your friends!