“Cancer has had a profound effect on me and my family. My dad died at age 59 of colon cancer. In the past two years, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, my mom died of multiple myeloma, and my wife battled breast cancer. She and I are both healthy now and thankful for all the support we received from friends and family. That support and the support that Team Tony provides is the reason I’m involved.”

A red and white logo with the word cap.Sam Stern, CEO, CAP Brand Marketing

“Over the years, our physicians, team members and patients have all been touched by cancer. Many of us have lost loved ones and have seen our families devastated by cancer. We enthusiastically cheer on Team Tony Foundations’ efforts to support people in our community who are dealing with the complex emotions and debilitating physical impact of cancer.”

James Dawes, President, J Dawes Group

“The main reason that I’m connected to cancer and why I support Team Tony is my grandfather, Noris Dolly, died from cancer, and he had a real tough struggle. I saw the pain that he went through and what it did to his body, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. It totally changed our family business and affected our lives greatly.”

Cody Dolly, Financial Representative, Northwestern Mutual

“I personally have been connected to cancer through family members who have battled cancer, some surviving well and others who have passed. Cancer is a horrible disease, and by associating with Team Tony, I can give back in a meaningful way to those facing life with cancer.”

Steven Paley, President, Rapid Security Solutions

Our Partners

It takes a great team to change lives the way we do at Team Tony Foundation. To join our team, become a foundation sponsor, or an event sponsor, please reach out to us. We’ll put a customized program together to fit your budget.

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