Barbara Genneken
Team Tony is a gift that keeps on giving. I am a five year cancer survivor. Myhusband Bill and I enjoy giving back to our community, because the communitytreated us so well during my breast cancer journey.Team Tony gives us the opportunity to fulfill a promise we made to each other, thatafter my treatment, we would pay it forward and help other cancer patients findconfidence and hope during their cancer journey.Bill and I attended the Team Tony training program. We felt right at home, becauseall the incredible people in the room shared the same vision and mission.Soon after the training, I was connected with a cancer patient that will undergo thesame treatment I completed. This is a gift to me to be able to inspire, encourage, andwalk beside a cancer patient that is experiencing the unknown at this time.Team Tony created a gift giving program that allows survivors to give the gift offriendship to a newly diagnosed cancer [...]